
From Backend API Services to Full-stack application development and AI services, we're here to assist you!

Backend REST API Services Development

We know that Web APIs run the present software industry. Web APIs are core to any company that wants to provide their APIs to be integrated into other software architecture/solutions. Do you want to provide scalable, reliable API development services? Do you want to develop an internal API for your bigger architecture/HLD? Do you want to develop the whole LLD/HLD and it's associated REST APIs? If so, then you’ve come to the right place!


Languages: Python, Delphi, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Frameworks: Django, Django-Rest Framework (DRF), Flask, FastAPI

Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB

Cloud Infrastructure: AWS, GCP, Azure, Heroku, DigitalOcean, Render

Payment: Stripe, Paypal, LemonSqueezy, Razorpay etc..

CI/CD: GitHub Workflows, Bitbucket Pipelines, GitLab Pipelines

Server: Gunicorn, NGNIX, uWSGI, ASGI,

Testing: Unit tests, Integration tests, end-2-end (E2E) tests, Pytest

Miscellaneous: Docker, Third-party APIs, OpenAI, Microservices and Monolithic architectures

Full Stack Development Services

We understand that you want a end-to-end software solution to get started with your business. It's an overkill to have a separate backend and frontend or any fancy microservices for any small to medium - scale business. We'll cater for software needs of your business to bring a big smile on your customers' faces by enhancing their user experience alongside maintaining the reliability.


Backend: Python, Django, Flask, FastAPI, FastHTML

Frontend: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, HTMX, React, VueJS

Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB

Cloud Infrastructure: AWS, GCP, Azure, Heroku, DigitalOcean, Render

Payment: Stripe, Paypal, LemonSqueezy, Razorpay etc..

CI/CD: GitHub Workflows, Bitbucket Pipelines, GitLab Pipelines

Server: Gunicorn, NGNIX, uWSGI, ASGI,

Testing: Unit tests, Integration tests, end-2-end (E2E) tests, Pytest

Miscellaneous: Docker, Third-party APIs (OpenAI) etc..

A micro processor sitting on top of a table
A micro processor sitting on top of a table

AI Services - Machine Learning and Data Science

AI made it's way to all aspects of our lives. History says that AI has potential to make or break any business based on how it's used to power their services. We're here to bring the best of AI, ML and Data Science capabilities to plugin the necessary intelligence to your applications.


Language: Python

Scientific Python: Pandas, Numpy, SciPy, Matplotlib, OpenCV

Machine Learning: Scikit-Learn, Statsmodels

Deep Learning: PyTorch, fastai, Tensorflow, Keras, MXnet etc..

Large Language Models (LLMs): OpenAI's GPTx, Meta's LLMa, Google's Gemini, Hugging Face's BLOOM etc..

Dashboards: Streamlit, Gradio, Plotly, Bokeh, Matplotlib